Seminar Success

How to Create good Discussion Questions for your Tutorial or Seminar

1) Good discussion questions are not answered by “yes” or “no.” Instead they lead to higher order thinking
(analysis, synthesis, comparison, evaluation) about the work and the issues it raises.
2) Good discussion questions call for more than simply recalling facts or guessing what the teacher already wants
to know, but are open-ended, leading to a variety of responses.
3) Good questions recognise that readers will have different perspectives and interpretations and such questions
attempt to engage readers in dialogue with each other.
4) Good discussion questions depend on a careful reading of the text. They often cite particular scenes or passage
and ask people to look at them closely and draw connections between these passages and the rest of the work.
5) Good discussion questions are simply and clearly stated. They do not need to be repeated or reworded to be
6) Good discussion questions are useful to the students. Good questions can help to clarify passages or issues
students may find difficult. They help students understand cultural differences that influence their reading. They
invite personal responses and connections.
7) Good discussion questions make (and challenge) connections between the text at issue and other works, and
the themes and issues of the course.
8) Ask small, detailed questions (like “what’s the argument for this conclusion?”) before large, abstract questions
(like “how does this compare with what so-and-so said?”).
9) Ask interpretative questions (like “what does the author mean here?”) before evaluative questions (like “is the
author right about this?”). Let your earlier questions lay a foundation for your later questions.
10) Be flexible about your list of questions. If the discussion is going well, go with the flow, but always be ready
to bring it back into line when it wanders away from the discipline, or becomes pointless.
11) Be respectful and appreciative at all times, but don’t be afraid to disagree with a comment. At the same time,
try to avoid getting into a 2-way argument. Be ready to ask, “What do other people think about this?”
How to Ensure that your Discussion/Tutorial/Seminar is Effective

1) Don’t assume that discussions lead themselves, or that your fascinating subject matter guarantees success.
2) Do not simply ask questions and hope that someone answers them.
3) Plan the discussion. What topics do you want to cover? In what order? What will you do if nobody says
4) Use your own experience in good and bad discussions as a guide.
5) What tends to silence people? What kinds of questions are intimidating, off-putting, unanswerable,
patronizing? What kinds invite good discussion? How do you build on previous comments and help the class to
do so?
6) You need not have answers to every question you raise, but you should raise good questions, know where in
the text to look for answers, and have a plan for leading a discussion that might discover answers.
7) Don’t limit the discussion to questions on which you have answers. Use the discussion as an occasion to
inquire jointly with other prepared students into questions you find interesting and important.
8) Be creative! Do something different. Make it interesting. Use small groups, use the board, use a computer, use
props, and use dramatization. Use your imagination. There’s lots of room for creativity in this assignment. (Try
to make sure that your innovations enhance, or at least don’t detract from, the content.)
9) It’s hard to discuss conclusions, but it’s easy (and fun and useful) to discuss arguments for conclusions.
10) You don’t have to be experts who lecture or who have all the answers. If after a while you feel under pressure
to expound or expatiate, then something has gone wrong. Back out of it rather than give in to it. This should be
a discussion.
11) Remember all the bad discussions you’ve had to sit through. Don’t repeat their mistakes!
12) In both the presentation and discussion portions of the hour, address the class, not me.
13) The presentation and discussion slots will be filled first-come first-served. Warning! Think ahead and select
early, because you will want time to prepare. You may also want to present in one week rather than another based
on our reading for that week or your workload for other courses.
14) I will not instantly bail out a bad discussion. There is some instruction in living with the consequences of
poor preparation, backing out of a bad question, or dealing spontaneously with a tired or unmotivated class. I
will try not to intervene unless I think we have already taken the benefit of that instruction and are wasting time.
15) Make a few notes during the discussion, so that you can competently summarize what has been said at the
end of the seminar.

study skills

  1. Exlpain why goal is an important part of human?

JAWAB : Tujuan merupakan realisasi dari misi yang spesifik dan dapat dilakukan dalam jangka pendek.,Tujuan merupakan pernyataan tentang keadaan yang diinginkan di mana setiap manusia atau sekelompok orang bermaksud untuk mewujudkannya dan sebagai pernyataan tentang keadaan di waktu yang akan datang di mana seseorang akan mencoba untuk menimbulkannya. Oleh karena tujuan akhir sangat menentukan dalam kehidupan manusia untuk kedepannya dan akan menikmati apa yang telah di dapatkanya atas usah yang telah di lakukannya, apa yang di lakukan sebelumnya akan sesuai dengan apa yang akan didapatkannya kemudian.

      2. SMART is an acronym for goal setting. It is derivied from Specfic, Measurable, Relevant,  and Time-Bound. Write 5 of your future goals and explain why they are SMART!

JAWAB :  – Pada semester 1 saya mendapatkan IPK 3,7 di FKIP Universitas Kristen Indonesia

– Pada tahun 2016 saya lulus dari Universitas Kristen Indonesia  dan menjadi Guru di sekolah  Internasioal di Jakar

– Pada tahun 2018 saya melanjutkan S-2 program study FKIP bahasa inggris di Universitas Kristen Indonesia

 – Pada tahun 2021 saya melanjutkan S-3  Program study FKIP bahasa inggris di Universitas Negeri  Jakarta

 – Pada tahun 2024 saya menjadi dosen FKIP bahasa ingrris di Universitas Pendidikan di bandung

Specific                 : karena saya sudah mempunyai target untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut .

Measurable        : karena saya sudah mengukur dan megetahui kemampuan saya adalah dalam bidang

Attainable           : kerana saya sudah mempunyai tujuan apa yang ingin saya capai dan apa yang ingin

Relevant              : karena saya ingin menjadi guru/dosen dalam B.inggris di sekolah atau di unversitas
yang berhubungan dengan apa yang telah saya pelajari.

Time –Bound     : kerena saya sudah memastikan waktu, kapan saya harus mencapai tujuan tersebut.

       3. Two of the most popular definitions of time are “time is money” by Benjamin frangklin and “time is life” by alan lakein . which one do you prefer , and why do you choose the definition. Or if you agree with both of defenitions, jot down your reasons

JAWAB: saya memilih “Time is Life” karena menurut saya  jika kita  membuang-buang waktu maka sama saja kita akan menyia-nyiakan  hidup kita yang ada di dunia ini dan jika kita membuang-buang waktu artinya sama saja kita membuang bagian dari hidup kita, karena kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi kedepan pada hidup kita oleh karena itu pergunakan waktu itu dengan sebaik-baiknya dalm kehidupan kita.

       4. “say no to unnecessary commintments”is one of many tips  in time mangament. What does it mean ? how do you decide that something is unnecessary or necessary

JAWAB:  maksudnya kita tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu untuk yang tidak penting dalam kehidupan seprti saya seorang mahasiswa saya tidak perlu mengahabiskan waktu dengan bermain-main di luar karna itu merupakan hal yang tidak penting bagi seorang mahasiswa
akan lebih baik jika kita memanfa’at kan waktu itu dengan belajar atau ke perpustaka’an mendapatkan ilmu yang lebih banyak

        5. Rave (rehearse, associate,visualize and encluster) is method for remembering. How do you memorize/ remember those words in this following box? Use more than one strategy!

JAWAB: Saya akan berlatih(rehearse) membaca dengan dengan berulang-ulang di keada’an suasana yang tenang dan saya akan mengelompokan (encluster) perkata

-saya akan mengafal dengan kata-kata yang pendek terlebih dahulu agar supaya bisa meudah diingat
barisan pertama saya buat.
affect , cure , chance , imply , injury , beside , briefly , avoid , harm , shortly , treat , action , advice ,adivse , infer , prevent , activity , affect.

-setelah itu saya mengelompokn kata-kata yang panjang
appreciable , possibility , damage , appreciative , assumption , presumption , besides.
setelah itu saya gabungkan kan kedua-duanya.